be a partner

Become a partner of the Syloam Christian International Mission.

Syloam is an organization that tries to touch people in the Balkans and Eastern Europe with the love of Jesus. Serving them with free books, free video tutorials, free audio tutorials and various technical tools and knowledge.

In addition to serving people who have not yet surrendered their lives to Christ, we also have the opportunity to serve in churches. We prepare future ministers, train existing ministers and preach the teachings of Christ.

In order to be able to continue functioning, we need financial partners. People who would like to set aside a certain amount of money each month to enable us to continue serving.

If you want to become a partner of the Syloam mission, please contact us.

If you use the Revolut application, you can make the payment using this QR code.
Or you can use this data:
Miroslav Fic, IBAN: LT94 3250 0834 2430 4304 BIC/SWIFT: REVOLT21
If you need more information please contact us. Thank you

For payment in euros. When paying, please indicate that it is a contribution or a donation. Thank you CZ96 3030 0000 0020 9477 6027